// // Services functions for InnoSetup 5.x // Version 1.1 // // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is services.iss. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Luigi D. Sandon // Copyright © 2006-2008 Luigi D. Sandon. All Rights Reserved. // // // Note on passing PChars using RemObjects Pascal Script // '' pass a nil PChar // #0 pass an empty PChar // type _SERVICE_STATUS = record dwServiceType: Longword; dwCurrentState: Longword; dwControlsAccepted: Longword; dwWin32ExitCode: Longword; dwServiceSpecificExitCode: Longword; dwCheckPoint: Longword; dwWaitHint: Longword; end; const NO_ERROR = 0; STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = $F0000; // // Service Control Manager object specific access types // SC_MANAGER_CONNECT = $0001; SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE = $0002; SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE = $0004; SC_MANAGER_LOCK = $0008; SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS = $0010; SC_MANAGER_MODIFY_BOOT_CONFIG = $0020; SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS = (STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED + SC_MANAGER_CONNECT + SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE + SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE + SC_MANAGER_LOCK + SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS + SC_MANAGER_MODIFY_BOOT_CONFIG); // // No change constant // SERVICE_NO_CHANGE = $FFFFFFFF; // // Service Types (Bit Mask) // SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = $00000001; SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER = $00000002; SERVICE_ADAPTER = $00000004; SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER = $00000008; SERVICE_DRIVER = (SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER + SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER + SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER); SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS = $00000010; SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS = $00000020; SERVICE_WIN32 = (SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS + SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS); SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS = $00000100; SERVICE_TYPE_ALL = (SERVICE_WIN32 + SERVICE_ADAPTER + SERVICE_DRIVER + SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS); // // Start Type // SERVICE_BOOT_START = $00000000; SERVICE_SYSTEM_START = $00000001; SERVICE_AUTO_START = $00000002; SERVICE_DEMAND_START = $00000003; SERVICE_DISABLED = $00000004; // // Error control type // SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE = $00000000; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = $00000001; SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE = $00000002; SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL = $00000003; // // Service object specific access type // SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG = $0001; SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG = $0002; SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS = $0004; SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS = $0008; SERVICE_START= $0010; SERVICE_STOP= $0020; SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE = $0040; SERVICE_INTERROGATE = $0080; SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL = $0100; SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS = (STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED + SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG + SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG + SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS + SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS + SERVICE_START + SERVICE_STOP + SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE + SERVICE_INTERROGATE + SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL); // // Controls // SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP = $00000001; SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE = $00000002; SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE = $00000003; SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE = $00000004; // // Status // SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING = $00000005; SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING = $00000006; SERVICE_PAUSED = $00000007; SERVICE_RUNNING = $00000004; SERVICE_START_PENDING = $00000002; SERVICE_STOP_PENDING = $00000003; SERVICE_STOPPED = $00000001; // // Error codes // ERROR_DEPENDENT_SERVICES_RUNNING = 1051; ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_CONTROL = 1052; ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 1053; ERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREAD = 1054; ERROR_SERVICE_DATABASE_LOCKED = 1055; ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING = 1056; ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = 1057; ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED = 1058; ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY = 1059; ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 1060; ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL = 1061; ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE = 1062; ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT = 1063; ERROR_EXCEPTION_IN_SERVICE = 1064; ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 1065; ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR = 1066; ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED = 1067; ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL = 1068; ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILED = 1069; ERROR_SERVICE_START_HANG = 1070; ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_LOCK = 1071; ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE = 1072; ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS = 1073; function OpenSCManager( lpMachineName: string; lpDatabaseName: string; dwDesiredAccess: Longword): Longword; external 'OpenSCManagerA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; // // lpServiceName is the service name, not the service display name // function OpenService( hSCManager: Longword; lpServiceName: string; dwDesiredAccess: Longword): Longword; external 'OpenServiceA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function StartService( hService: Longword; dwNumServiceArgs: Longword; lpServiceArgVectors: PChar): Longword; external 'StartServiceA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CloseServiceHandle(hSCObject: Longword): Longword; external 'CloseServiceHandle@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function ControlService( hService: Longword; dwControl: Longword; var lpServiceStatus: _SERVICE_STATUS): Longword; external 'ControlService@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CreateService(hSCManager: Longword; lpServiceName: string; lpDisplayName: string; dwDesiredAccess: Longword; dwServiceType: Longword; dwStartType: Longword; dwErrorControl: Longword; lpBinaryPathName: string; lpLoadOrderGroup: string; lpdwTagId: Longword; lpDependencies: string; lpServiceStartName: string; lpPassword: string): Longword; external 'CreateServiceA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function DeleteService(hService: Longword): Longword; external 'DeleteService@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function ChangeServiceConfig( hService: Longword; dwServiceType: Longword; dwStartType: Longword; dwErrorControl: Longword; lpBinaryPathName: PChar; lpLoadOrderGroup: PChar; lpdwTagId: Longword; lpDependencies: PChar; lpServiceStartName: PChar; lpPassword: PChar; lpDisplayName: PChar): Longword; external 'ChangeServiceConfigA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function LockServiceDatabase(hSCManager: Longword): Longword; external 'LockServiceDatabase@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function UnlockServiceDatabase(ScLock: Longword): Longword; external 'UnlockServiceDatabase@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function SimpleCreateService( AServiceName, ADisplayName, AFileName: string; AStartType: Longword; AUser, APassword: string; Interactive: Boolean; IgnoreExisting: Boolean): Boolean; var SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; ServiceType: Longword; Error: Integer; begin Result := False; ServiceType := SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenSCManager@SimpleCreateService: ' + AServiceName + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try if AUser = '' then begin if Interactive then ServiceType := ServiceType + SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS; APassword := ''; end; ServiceHandle := CreateService(SCMHandle, AServiceName, ADisplayName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, ServiceType, AStartType, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, AFileName, '', 0, '', AUser, APassword); if ServiceHandle = 0 then begin Error := DLLGetLastError; if IgnoreExisting and (Error = ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS) then Exit else RaiseException('CreateService@SimpleCreateService: ' + AServiceName + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(Error)); end; Result := True; finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; end; function WaitForService(ServiceHandle: Longword; AStatus: Longword): Boolean; var PendingStatus: Longword; ServiceStatus: _SERVICE_STATUS; Error: Integer; begin Result := False; case AStatus of SERVICE_RUNNING: PendingStatus := SERVICE_START_PENDING; SERVICE_STOPPED: PendingStatus := SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; end; repeat if ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, ServiceStatus) = 0 then begin Error := DLLGetLastError; RaiseException('ControlService@WaitForService: ' + SysErrorMessage(Error)); end; if ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode <> 0 then Break; Result := ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = AStatus; if not Result and (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = PendingStatus) then Sleep(ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint) else Break; until Result; end; procedure SimpleStopService(AService: string; Wait, IgnoreStopped: Boolean); var ServiceStatus: _SERVICE_STATUS; SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; Error: Integer; begin try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenSCManager@SimpleStopService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try ServiceHandle := OpenService(SCMHandle, AService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ServiceHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenService@SimpleStopService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try if ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, ServiceStatus) = 0 then begin Error := DLLGetLastError; if IgnoreStopped and (Error = ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE) then Exit else RaiseException('ControlService@SimpleStopService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(Error)); if Wait then WaitForService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_STOPPED); end; finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; except ShowExceptionMessage; end; end; procedure SimpleStartService(AService: string; Wait, IgnoreStarted: Boolean); var SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; Error: Integer; begin try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenSCManager@SimpleStartService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try ServiceHandle := OpenService(SCMHandle, AService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ServiceHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenService@SimpleStartService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try if StartService(ServiceHandle, 0, '') = 0 then begin Error := DLLGetLastError; if IgnoreStarted and (Error = ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) then Exit else RaiseException('StartService@SimpleStartService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(Error)); if Wait then begin WaitForService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_RUNNING); end; end; finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; except ShowExceptionMessage; end; end; procedure SimpleDeleteService(AService: string); var SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; begin try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenSCManager@SimpleDeleteService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try ServiceHandle := OpenService(SCMHandle, AService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ServiceHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenService@SimpleDeleteService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try if DeleteService(ServiceHandle) = 0 then RaiseException('StartService@SimpleDeleteService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; except ShowExceptionMessage; end; end; procedure SimpleSetServiceStartup(AService: string; AStartupType: Longword); var SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; begin try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('SimpleSetServiceStartup@OpenSCManager: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try ServiceHandle := OpenService(SCMHandle, AService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ServiceHandle = 0 then RaiseException('SimpleSetServiceStartup@OpenService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try if ChangeServiceConfig(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, AStartupType, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, '', '', 0, '', '', '', '') = 0 then RaiseException('SimpleSetServiceStartup@SetServiceStartup: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; except ShowExceptionMessage; end; end; function ServiceExists(AService: string): Boolean; var SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; Error: Integer; begin try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenSCManager@ServiceExists: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try ServiceHandle := OpenService(SCMHandle, AService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); try if ServiceHandle = 0 then begin Error := DLLGetLastError; if Error = ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST then Result := False else RaiseException('OpenService@ServiceExists: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(Error)); end else Result := True; finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; except ShowExceptionMessage; end; end; function SimpleQueryService(AService: string): Longword; var ServiceStatus: _SERVICE_STATUS; SCMHandle: Longword; ServiceHandle: Longword; Error: Integer; begin Result := 0; try SCMHandle := OpenSCManager('', '', SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if SCMHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenSCManager@SimpleQueryService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try ServiceHandle := OpenService(SCMHandle, AService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if ServiceHandle = 0 then RaiseException('OpenService@SimpleQueryService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError)); try if ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, ServiceStatus) = 0 then begin Error := DLLGetLastError; RaiseException('ControlService@SimpleQueryService: ' + AService + ' ' + SysErrorMessage(Error)); end; Result := ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState; finally if ServiceHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); end; finally if SCMHandle <> 0 then CloseServiceHandle(SCMHandle); end; except ShowExceptionMessage; end; end;